China Tourist place

Tourist Places To Visit In China

With a modern state, China still has ancient customs and the contrast makes it very interesting. It all dates back to when Marco Polo first wrote about China in the 1200s.

China is a country in which the past is celebrated. It boasts the preservation of important historical sites such as Beijing’s Forbidden City and Summer Palace, both of which recall the days when China was ruled by emperors. There’s also the famous Great Wall which features winding routes that extend from the Yellow Sea to Central Asia, while its shrines emit an Eastern religious spirit that has endured throughout time.

China offers limitless sightseeing options- from things that can be done in a day, to those that will require more than a day. There are plenty of ways to experience China and its unique culture.

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The top tourist attractions in China are 

The Great Wall Of China –

A popular quote in China is “nobody can be a hero unless he has been on the Great Wall” – this shows that it is important for people to have been there. The Great Wall of China stretches over 6,000 kilometers, the best-preserved sections of which are located in Beijing. It is now easier than ever to visit the Great Wall, with popular sections located near Beijing.

The Great Wall Of China is located in the Huairou District of China.

Places worth a visit include the section near Gubeikou, 130 kilometers from Beijing; and Mutianyu, just 70 kilometers from Beijing.

The Forbidden City & the Imperial Palace- 

It falls under the list of must-see tourist destinations while visiting China

China’s largest and most important building, the Forbidden City, can be found in the heart of Beijing. The enormous palace is a must-see when visiting the country, with highlights including the five white marble Golden River Bridges; the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which houses the imperial throne; and an exquisite emperor’s banquet hall (the Hall of Preserving Harmony); and the Palace Museum with its large collection of art and artifacts from China’s Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The Summer Palace, Beijing

Just 15 km from Beijing is One of China’s most visited attractions, the Imperial Summer Palace (Yíhé Yuán) is an easy commute from Beijing. Built-in 1153, the palace itself was added to by a large lake in the 14th century. Other highlights include The Hall of Happiness and Longevity as well as many walking trails that can be found here. The Old Summer Palace was incredibly beautiful, but unfortunately, it was destroyed by colonial forces.

 Chengdu’s Giant Panda Breeding Research Base

The Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu is the best place to see pandas in China. You can visit many other zoos, but they aren’t as close to their natural habitat.

A visit to China would be incomplete without visiting this place.

The Yangtze River and the Three Gorges

China’s largest river is 6000+ kilometers long and is known as Chang Jiang. It is the longest river in China and the third longest in the world after the Amazon and the Nile.

The Yangtze River is the longest river that flows into China, running through eight provinces. The river was a major transportation route for more than 2,000 years. It is over 2,700 kilometers long and it has a vast catchment area.

The Three Gorges offers a beautiful view of the Qutang, Wu, and Xiling. Here the river winds its way through the gorges, rugged cliffs, and high mountain peaks.

There are tons of ways to spend your free time. The more challenging tours offer a unique and thrilling experience, while the more luxurious cruises showcase the beauty of the region.

UNESCO World Heritage Site: Classical Gardens of Suzhou

Lingering Garden, a great 19th-century garden on the site of a 12th-century original, is famous for its pool, buildings, a path with tablets, and old Chinese characters.

The Cang Lang Ting Pavilion is a two-acre garden that has many unique features. The double arcade connects the inner and outer sections.

Potala Palace, Tibet

China is known for its many historical structures. One of the most famous is the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. It has been used for centuries as a home for the Dalai Lama and contains many of the religion’s treasures.

The Red Palace, the first of the two Potala Palaces, was built in 1700. The walls are covered with murals depicting scenes from the lives of the Dalai Lamas and Tibetan kings. There are also many vast halls devoted to religion’s teachings and elaborate tombs for several Dalai Lamas.

The White Palace was completed in 1648. The sleeping quarters, studies, and reception rooms are untouched from 1959. You should also visit the Jewel Gardens when you’re in Lhasa. This 90-acre garden is part of the Dalai Lama’s summer residence and encloses everything from grand palaces to pleasant lakes.

It is located on the 35th Central Beijing Road in Lhasa, Tibet, China.

Shanghai’s Promenade: The Bund

The Bund in Shanghai, China is a wide pedestrian zone. Many people forget they are in the middle of the city when they stroll this way. The Bund is where you may also forget one is in Shanghai! Famous for its European feel, the Bund has preserved 52 English and French-influenced buildings, many of which now include restaurants, stores, public spaces, and art galleries. The architecture of these buildings represents various influences such as Gothic and Renaissance styles, with an Art Deco flair.

The Oriental Pearl Tower crosses the Huangpu Jiang River to offer a beautiful and unique view of the Bund. There is also a garden that is available for viewing called Yu Garden, which was established in 1559 and still has most of its original structures intact.

The list of tourist places in china to visit is endless to make your trip to China worth traveling it is only wise to have a reliable and efficient visa consultancy service that caters to every problem arising in your china visa, especially for an Indian, so that you can plan your itinerary without any visa stress.

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